Although technology advancements have improved In-Line Inspection significantly over the past decade, validation of tool performance is necessary to confirm the reliability and confidence of the data obtained during an ILI run. In addition, these correlation efforts provide ILI vendors excellent feedback to continually improve detection, characterization, and sizing capabilities.
To ensure a valid ILI correlation the correct data and information obtained from the field inspections is absolutely necessary for an "apples to apples" comparison. Advanced technologies such as laser corrosion mapping can be utilized for very accurate and quality as found data collection. Pinnacle can provide the necessary direction and support to ensure the correct data is being collected for correlation purposes.
Once the actual as found data is collected in the correct format we can compare it to the feature data as provided by the ILI tool vendor. These comparisons and correlations are typically table based, however, new technology advancements through ILI vendors, NDE vendors, and other third parties allow more detailed and involved comparison efforts.
Comparison and correlation data can be analyzed using statistical methods to quantify the performance and reliability of an ILI run. Results for Probability of Detection (POD) and Probability of Identification (POI), as per API Standard 1163, can be calculated to determine the acceptability and confidence of an ILI run. This data can then be incorporated into the Integrity Plan to revise or adjust criteria as necessary. Pinnacle can provide the necessary guidance and evaluation of the ILI data to apply any adjustments or further evaluation as required.
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